
NKD Protogen Beans

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NKD Protogen Beans

27 ratings

Beans, for both hands and feet!

Who doesn't like some beans on your Prot! Easy to add thanks to VRCAssetAdd directly from Unity!


(This product doesn't include the NKD Protogen)



Scroll down for the Unity instructions (Unity only, no Blender).


Blender is the best way to add these as you'll have the minimum amount of mesh renderers and will not add extra bones to your project.

You can add them in Blender by just appending the .blend file to yours, click on the beans mesh then holding CTRL click on the body mesh of your avatar. Now in the 3D view right click > Join. Export as you usually do and import into Unity.

THE ORDER ON THE NEXT STEP IS IMPORTANT! Beans mesh first, Body mesh second while holding CTRL

Unity + VRCFury

You just need to install VRCFury from their website then:

  1. Drag and drop the PREFAB on your AVATAR ROOT
  2. That's it lol, change the matereial if you'd like. I didn't want to inlcude any shaders as the default protogen one is Xiexe but many use Poiyomi

Unity (old version)

If you use this, you don't need to do the Blender part, they are exclusive, if you added them in blender this is not needed.

The other suggested way to add these is using my own FREE tool in Unity VRCAssetAdd :

  1. Download it
  2. Import into unity
  3. Import the beans package
  4. Drag the beansPrefab into the same scene with your avatar
  5. Optional: Change the scale (and only the scale) to match the one of your avatar
  6. At this point, the beans should look in the correct position as if they were added to the avatar (but wont follow your movement yet). If yes continue, if not position them correctly (maybe center both your avatar and the beans on position 0, 0, 0)
  7. Open VRCAssetAdd > Add From File
  8. Drag your avatar from the scene to the Window that just opened
  9. Drag the Beans Prefab from the scene to the Window on the second box
  10. Click Apply

If you need screenshots look at the instructions at the GitHub Page. If you get some errors that it cannot find something in your avatar, you probably renamed the bones from the original protogen model. Here's a screenshot of the original hierarchy:

If you got an error, please revert to the backup created by the tool or your own backup project and rename the bones as needed before running the script.


  • Do not redistribute or claim as your own
  • You can use this for commissions, the client doesn't need to verify the purchase as long as you or the commissioner has bought this. If who didn't buy the asset wants to support me, please provide the link to this page
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Blender File (with pre-destructive operations meshes), FBX, Substance Painter, Unity Package, Krita File

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